Post jam Update

---------POST JAM UPDATE---------

Some minor improvements have been made to the game, the falling speed now increases at a lower rate but more frequently. The overall result is the same but is a more gradient falling speed.

There are fewer platforms now and more empty space to fall, resulting in a more fluid gameplay.

The ray icon on top of the player is now bigger.

The bug with the health has been fixed, now 5 health is the limit, picking up health potions will do nothing if you are full health.

A web build has been added, there are known performance issues in some browsers, so if you experience lag within the game in the web version please let me know in which browser happened and try playing it in another if you can.

An android build is being uploaded to the play store, the link will be added as soon as the app gets the approval from the play store.

The changes in the gameplay cause that getting higher scores is now easier, how long will you last falling now?

Files 36 MB
Oct 31, 2022 Play in browser
Oct 31, 2022

Get Dungeon Faller - ScoreSpaceJam2022

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